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Thursday, June 19, 2014

On Binge-Watching

     Has Netflix taken over control of your life? If you answered "Yes" to that question, you're not alone. Online streaming has ruined the existence of many individuals, myself included. If by some strange act of God you actually haven't been corrupted by the ability to watch one TV show for hours (and hours) on end, run. Run and never look back, because there is still hope for you. Hope that one day, you may be a productive member of society. As for the rest of us, we're screwed.     As we all know, binge-watching is when you watch really, really good (or really, really bad) TV into the wee small hours of the morning when you should really be studying for your finals. Needless to say, many members of our generation are afflicted. Be it Scandal, or the 100, or Doctor Who, binge-watching, once started-will claim countless hours of your life.
It will destroy you

     Symptoms of binge-watching include a sudden drop in school grades and productivity, the death of your computer from overuse, and/or your parents yelling at you to come downstairs for dinner, and you being too absorbed in Torchwood to hear them. There is sadly no known cure for the condition. 

     If someone you love is suffering from binge-watching, there's absolutely nothing you can do. When their preferred show gets cancelled, expect frequent outbursts of anger followed by prolonged periods of crying. And whatever you do, NEVER cancel there streaming service subscription, lest you put yourself in harm's way. 

     If you are suffering from binge-watching, then I'm sorry. It's already too late.

     What are your thoughts about binge-watching? Share your thoughts in the comments below, and don't forget to check out Contemplations on Facebook and Google+. And feel free to contact me at Thanks for reading!
Ignorance is the curse of God;
knowledge is the wing
wherewith we fly to heaven.

-William Shakespeare