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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

On Climate Change Denial

     There are certain things in this world that we know to be true. The sky is blue. The sun is big. These are just two examples of truisms that have been proven by science. Human-caused climate change is among these facts, and I'm getting very tired of people who say otherwise. Climate change is very, very real, and it has the potential to destroy life as we know it. Despite enormous and ever-growing consensus within the scientific community as well as the general public, some people just really don't seem to care. Many politicians and members of the masses refuse to acknowledge the very existence of global warming, let alone what catastrophic consequences it could wreak.

     A recent United Nations report explained that climate change is starting to severely impact the biosphere, and that it should be a major concern of people, governments, and businesses all around the world. It explained that action has to be taken now- as in right now- to prevent irreversible damage to our planet. Climate change isn't just temperatures rising; it's freak weather occurrences and changes to normal meteorological patterns. It's about toxins making it harder to feed our continually expanding population.

     The UN released that report with a purpose: to inspire people to take action against climate change. Sadly, they've so far only been met with science from many of the western nations. Agreement on the existence of climate change is overwhelming, and yet so many of the people in charge of governing our nations deny it. Whether they truly believe it to be false or simply want to avoid the hard decisions needed to rectify the situation is still up for questioning, but the question of whether or not we need to do something is not. So forgive me, but I just don't understand why Ted Cruz and Stephen Harper deem it appropriate to disregard the environment.

     It's time we all fess up and accept that we've caused severe, perhaps irrevocable, damage to our planet. Only once we take responsibility for our actions will we be able to try an fix our mistakes. It's time to do something about this. Contact your government representative and tell them how climate change is an increasingly problematic issue that we aren't paying enough attention to. Raise awareness in your community. Do whatever you can, because there is still time to act and change our ways.

     What are your thoughts and ideas on climate change? What do you think we could be doing differently to help rectify the situation? Share your thoughts in the comments below! And don't forget to stop by Contemplations' Facebook and Google+ pages.

Also, check out this great video below by Hank Green, explaining how climate change is very real, and an extremely important problem that we need to address.

Ignorance is the curse of God;
knowledge is the wing
wherewith we fly to heaven.

-William Shakespeare